Foreclosure prevention

Are you or someone you know behind on their mortgage payments? Do you foresee having a hardship in the future that will prevent you from making your mortgage payments? Know your options...there are alternatives to foreclosure that can pay off your debt and preserve your credit.
Fact: Your bank does NOT WANT TO foreclosure (lots of costs involved for the bank, typically $60,000-$100,000 from the start of the process until the home is sold at public auction).
Fact: Your bank will DEFINITELY FORECLOSE and take your home unless you seek help before time runs out.....A Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) can help and banks work with CDPE's all the time!
Fact: Your bank will happily TAKE LESS than you owe them if a homeowner takes the correct steps to avoid foreclosure and the 1st step is to speak to a CDPE!
Have you already received a letter of noticed that your home is going up for public auction? A fact that most people do not know is that a CDPE can have the auction STOPPED even the day of the auction and have you stay in your home! But you must start the process right away before it is too late!
Data shows that in the US over 5,000,000 people are currently in foreclosure and 70% of all homeowners that lost their home to foreclosure did so because they were not informed of their options to avoid foreclosure!

CDPE’s can save 9 out of 10 families from going into foreclosure!
CDPE’s do NOT charge the homeowner, there is no cost or commission involved whatsoever!  


To learn how you can avoid foreclosure and preserve your credit check out:

If you would like to avoid foreclosure and explore other options, give us a call at 914-403-4868. Contact us right away before time runs out!

Certified Distressed Property Expert