Recent sold home prices in Patterson NY

Below you will find a list of the most recent home sales in Patteron NY. If you would like a full list of the following homes with detailed descriptions and photos please email me at


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11/30/2007 $340,000 28 JAVA
11/30/2007 $169,000 20 PATTERSON VILLAGE
11/28/2007 $159,000 12 PATTERSON VILLAGE
11/19/2007 $224,210 26 SEWARD
11/15/2007 $280,100 18 BARNARD
11/7/2007 $320,000 65 TAYLOR
11/5/2007 $206,000 56 PATTERSON VILLAGE
11/2/2007 $576,000 8 POWDERHORN
10/30/2007 $195,000 65 PATTERSON VILLAGE
10/22/2007 $315,000 69 STAGE COACH
10/22/2007 $140,000 35 NORTH
10/15/2007 $390,000 81 COMMERCE
10/15/2007 $230,000 77 LAKE
10/10/2007 $311,500 422 CORNWALL MEADOWS
9/28/2007 $475,000 469 HAVILAND
9/28/2007 $350,000 44 WEST
9/26/2007 $130,000 9 RANDALL
9/20/2007 $257,000 16 YONKERS
9/14/2007 $290,000 31 ADDISON
9/7/2007 $550,000 86 WEST
8/31/2007 $170,000 14 SCOTT
8/27/2007 $292,000 202 CORNWALL MEADOWS
8/23/2007 $295,000 508 COVINGTON GREEN
8/3/2007 $485,000 353 CORNWALL HILL
8/3/2007 $135,000 351 CORNWALL HILL




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