Recent sold home prices in Yorktown Heights NY
Below you will find a list of the most recent home sales in Yorktown NY. These are all in the Yorktown School District. If you would like a full list of the following homes with detailed descriptions and photos please email me at
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Please email me if you would like to have the full listing details sheets for any of these houses emailed to you.
Address | Sales Price | Post Office | Sales Date |
622 Croton Heights Rd | 181,500 | Yorktown Heights | 7/18/2013 |
2024 Allan Ave | 198,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/3/2013 |
1989 Allan Ave | 200,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/9/2013 |
255 Sparkle Rd | 220,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/29/2013 |
1166 Bouerie Ln | 225,000 | Yorktown Heights | 3/28/2013 |
1701 Paine St | 245,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/12/2013 |
380 Hallocks Mill Rd | 250,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/19/2013 |
1487 Hanover St | 260,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/11/2013 |
2042 Mcbride Ln | 260,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/18/2013 |
2820 Deer St | 264,000 | Mohegan Lake | 7/2/2013 |
2973 Weatherby St | 267,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/10/2013 |
3118 Radcliffe Dr | 278,500 | Yorktown Heights | 7/17/2013 |
2906 Springhurst St | 283,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/9/2013 |
258 Locust Rd | 283,410 | Yorktown Heights | 4/17/2013 |
1324 Leland Dr | 287,500 | Yorktown Heights | 7/18/2013 |
2766 Lexington Ave | 289,000 | Mohegan Lake | 7/2/2013 |
2718 GOMER St | 297,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/30/2013 |
1663 MORNINGVIEW Dr | 300,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/29/2013 |
207 Butler Ct | 300,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/9/2013 |
2266 Ridge St | 302,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/15/2013 |
1619 Hanover St | 305,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/26/2013 |
3023 QUINLAN St | 305,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/1/2013 |
2536 Ridge St | 315,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/24/2013 |
2982 Weatherby St | 319,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/1/2013 |
2660 Loretta St | 320,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/21/2013 |
373 Alden Rd | 328,500 | Yorktown Heights | 8/19/2013 |
645 PLEASANTVIEW Ct | 330,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/14/2013 |
43 Laurelton Rd | 331,000 | Mount Kisco | 9/19/2013 |
460 York Ct | 335,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/1/2013 |
2416 Mill Pond Rd | 337,500 | Yorktown Heights | 5/30/2013 |
203 Moseman Rd | 338,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/8/2013 |
3044 Hickory St | 339,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/29/2013 |
2759 Gomer St | 340,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/24/2013 |
2864 Hyatt St | 343,500 | Yorktown Heights | 8/9/2013 |
2719 Strang Blvd | 350,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/23/2013 |
2927 Weatherby St | 352,775 | Yorktown Heights | 8/22/2013 |
149 Royce Ct | 360,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/30/2013 |
2024 Breton Ct | 360,000 | Yorktown Heights | 6/17/2013 |
154 Royce Ct | 362,500 | Yorktown Heights | 6/6/2013 |
2954 Old Yorktown Rd | 370,000 | Yorktown Heights | 6/18/2013 |
179 Hudson St | 370,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/1/2013 |
2087 Midland Dr | 375,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/8/2013 |
505 Revere Dr | 375,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/18/2013 |
2367 Crompond Rd | 375,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/22/2013 |
2494 Mill Pond Rd | 377,500 | Yorktown Heights | 6/18/2013 |
2170 Parker Ln | 380,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/30/2013 |
2664 Cecile Dr | 385,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/24/2013 |
2861 BROOKFIELD Dr | 385,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/30/2013 |
2281 Sultana Dr | 389,900 | Yorktown Heights | 9/9/2013 |
629 Viewland Dr | 390,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/6/2013 |
424 Cording Ln | 392,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/15/2013 |
1372 Leland Dr | 396,500 | Yorktown Heights | 4/4/2013 |
2838 Larkspur St | 398,500 | Yorktown Heights | 7/18/2013 |
2077 Allan Ave | 399,900 | Yorktown Heights | 7/24/2013 |
308 Linden Pl | 400,000 | Yorktown Heights | 6/20/2013 |
444 Waverly Rd | 400,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/31/2013 |
1745 Central St | 402,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/25/2013 |
3081 Radcliffe Dr | 405,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/1/2013 |
2293 Haymaker Dr | 405,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/23/2013 |
1078 Barberry Rd | 405,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/1/2013 |
715 Hanover St | 408,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/6/2013 |
2739 CRESCENT Dr | 410,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/15/2013 |
3162 Quinlan St | 410,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/22/2013 |
794 Barberry Rd | 413,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/16/2013 |
267 Carolina Rd | 415,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/18/2013 |
2829 Avis Ct | 425,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/15/2013 |
575 Waverly Rd | 425,000 | Yorktown Heights | 6/3/2013 |
2432 Pine Grove Ct | 430,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/30/2013 |
2680 Evergreen St | 432,500 | Yorktown Heights | 8/12/2013 |
273 Carolina Rd | 435,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/29/2013 |
2210 Ridge St | 435,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/19/2013 |
1488 Indiana Ave | 437,000 | Yorktown Heights | 6/12/2013 |
1575 PINEBROOK Rd | 437,500 | Yorktown Heights | 4/30/2013 |
1175 Mckeel St | 439,500 | Yorktown Heights | 8/26/2013 |
2464 Ridge St | 440,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/27/2013 |
344 Heather Ct | 447,500 | Yorktown Heights | 8/7/2013 |
1713 French Hill Rd | 448,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/30/2013 |
2477 Pine Grove Ct | 450,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/26/2013 |
252 Carolina Rd | 452,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/27/2013 |
2407 Loring Pl | 470,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/1/2013 |
563 Underhill Ave | 475,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/20/2013 |
2478 Mill Pond Rd | 475,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/9/2013 |
265 Columbine Ct | 475,000 | Yorktown Heights | 6/7/2013 |
1512 Indiana Ave | 479,000 | Yorktown Heights | 6/14/2013 |
1410 Croton Lake Rd | 479,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/27/2013 |
2689 Windmill Dr | 485,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/18/2013 |
3148 Douglas Dr | 499,900 | Yorktown Heights | 7/22/2013 |
290 Alden Rd | 500,000 | Yorktown Heights | 6/13/2013 |
935 Hanover St | 502,500 | Yorktown Heights | 4/25/2013 |
665 Erin Ct | 503,000 | Ossining | 7/25/2013 |
1850 Brookdale St | 506,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/25/2013 |
2820 Stoney St | 509,690 | Mohegan Lake | 7/15/2013 |
2630 Evergreen St | 511,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/24/2013 |
2579 Barry Ct | 520,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/23/2013 |
176 Whippoorwill Rd | 520,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/26/2013 |
495 Fisher Pond Rd | 540,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/19/2013 |
1700 Morningview Dr | 545,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/27/2013 |
1484 Pine Brook Ct | 584,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/16/2013 |
466 Fisher Pond Rd | 585,000 | Yorktown Heights | 6/13/2013 |
2994 Saddle Ridge Dr | 589,900 | Yorktown Heights | 5/23/2013 |
175 Loder Rd | 590,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/2/2013 |
3030 Quinlan St | 590,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/19/2013 |
720 Brender Ln | 595,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/15/2013 |
681 Fieldstone Ct | 620,000 | Yorktown Heights | 4/22/2013 |
1411 Chatham Ln | 641,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/1/2013 |
740 Brender Ln | 650,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/8/2013 |
1289 Pickens Ct | 655,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/20/2013 |
2424 Pinetree Pl | 665,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/8/2013 |
1714 Morningview Dr | 670,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/24/2013 |
1269 Pickens Ct | 725,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/9/2013 |
2894 Farm Walk Rd | 725,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/12/2013 |
2391 Rela Ln | 730,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/31/2013 |
1340 Baldwin Rd | 730,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/20/2013 |
51 Crow Hill Cres | 750,000 | Mount Kisco | 8/20/2013 |
398 Illington Rd | 770,000 | Ossining | 9/12/2013 |
1481 Westview Dr | 800,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/5/2013 |
2377 Rela Ln | 827,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/16/2013 |
45 Spring Meadow Rd | 860,000 | Mount Kisco | 7/22/2013 |
1591 Fox Tail Ln | 878,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/7/2013 |
250 Rt 100 Rd | 940,000 | Mount Kisco | 7/18/2013 |
55 Crow Hill Crst | 940,000 | Mount Kisco | 7/30/2013 |
2907 Crompond Rd | 1,090,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/9/2013 |
320 Saw Mill River Rd | 1,100,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/27/2013 |
1900 Hunterbrook Rd | 1,115,000 | Yorktown Heights | 6/13/2013 |
1128 Gambelli Dr | 1,225,000 | Yorktown Heights | 8/2/2013 |
9 Woods Brooke Ln #9-1 | 240,000 | Yorktown Heights | 5/1/2013 |
4 Woods Brooke Ln #3 | 245,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/4/2013 |
17 Scenic View | 250,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/31/2013 |
81 Woodlands Dr | 309,500 | Yorktown Heights | 9/10/2013 |
272 Beechwood Lane | 325,000 | Yorktown Heights | 7/25/2013 |
12 Acorn Lane | 355,000 | Yorktown Heights | 9/19/2013 |
1804 Cornella Ct | 620,000 | Cortlandt Manor | 6/19/2013 |
Homes for sale in Yorktown Heights
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